
End of season results
Posted on 8 October 2018

For many crops it is the end of the season and while we are still awaiting the results of some late crops, we have also started out first greenhouse project on one of our focus crops; strawberries.

The conditions in a greenhouse are far more controlled than those in an open field as we have witnessed this year. The high temperatures and extremely dry conditions resulted in a very fast fruit set and much reduced yields. After two sprays with the GOOD FOR GREENS® bio-stimulant, apart from carrying more fruits, the treated plants appear to have more uniform and bigger fruits. There is one more spray to go and we are eagerly awaiting the results of the first harvest.

We have just renewed the registration of GOOD FOR GREENS® on the Dutch input list and on that same tune, Perry Falter of Rungis/Ecoville has agreed to market our bio-stimulant to the 100 odd proud growers of top of the bill produce he is working with. It will be great to help these growers grow more and increase their pride even further. 

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End of season results
'Our journey is about getting together - and together achieving goodness'
François Bernard, CEO First-Tree B.V.